
He was alone except for his horse, tied up at the edge of the water drinking. Bran watched him in secret as he bathed. It was night but it was a clear night with a full moon. As Bran looked on he could see the man in the water, his wet body shining in the moonlight. The water came up to his waist as he stood in the pool soaking in the quiet calm waters. Bran thought the man was very beautiful, he could think these thoughts now, he was alone and wasnt held to standards like before. The stranger looked to be tall, maybe not as tall as his father but he looked like a Lord, only younger. His skin was flawless and tanned he must be from the South, he didnt have the rough, hardened look of the Northerners. He had a trail of dark hair down the middle of his stomach disappearing in the water at his waist. Bran wanted to follow the trail down farther but the glare of the moonlight on the surface prevented him from revealing the treasures below. Bran could feel himself getting hard. Irene was humping up at me and I was holding on to her thrashing body as she came. I slowed my attack on her clit and licked at her juices as she enjoyed the after effects of her orgasm, tiny ripples running through her making her twitch and jerk. Irene sat up and hugged me tight."That was so good, I came so hard. Uncle Dave your cock is poking at my pussy, are you trying to stick it inside me?" "Well I guess I was as I am kind of worked up." Irene grabbed my cock and slid it up and down her slit getting her juices on the head. "I don't want to get pregnant." "Don't worry, I have had an operation so I can't make you pregnant." "Will you stop if it hurts to much?" Irene asked. I nodded as Irene line me up with her hot little hole and I slowly pushed in. With just the head in I pulled back and pushed in again. I kept fucking her tight pussy slowly getting a little deeper all the time until I hit her barrier. When I stopped Irene was pulling on me, with her arms around me trying to get.
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